Latest Service Enhancements

We have added some exciting new features and enhancements to the Web Office Service:
  • Document Sealing Service, provides the ability to establish an auditable record of a document’s authenticity and to securely bind the document in time with a certified digital timestamp.
  • Custom Properties, define and then populate your own custom information for selected entities, such as Customers, Suppliers or Employees. With Custom Properties you can now store that business unique information.
  • Campaign Management, develop and track marketing campaigns based upon targeted customer base.
  • Integrated Map lookup, Addition of integrated map lookup to Contacts->View screen.
  • Key Performance Indicators, also known as KPI or Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organisation define and measure progress toward organisational goals. VillageMall has defined a suite of standardised Key Performance indicators which can be customised to meet a companies objectives. Each KPI is assigned to a role within the organisation, to ensure all employees performing the same tasks have access to the same KPI results.
  • Online lead capture, from your website. Leads are automatically entered into Web Office from your website, all contact details are entered and state set to a new lead, additionally an activity is created with supplementary data such as survey results and any customer questions or comments. Each lead is then queued for allocation to a sales representative. Its that simple...

Future Service Enhancements

The following are a list of enhancements that are under consideration, or development by VillageMall:

  • Vertical Markets we are prepared to work with partners* within selected vertical markets.

* Partners must have specialist domain knowledge, an existing customer base or proven performance within the selected vertical market. A business case is normally required.

Because Web Office is a service rather than packaged software, you will see evolving functionality based on client feedback and the Australian business environment.  With Web Office, you never have to re-install or reconfigure any software. All of the enhancements are ready for you to use whenever you log on.

With these and other upcoming improvements, we hope you'll agree that there's no better way to run your business than with VillageMall business Solutions!